Aerial Structures in The Bay Area

Years after the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, many of the columns that hold up roads and bridges in the Bay have not been retrofitted for earthquake safety.

The state of California owns most of the columns and bridges in the Bay Area and has retrofitted virtually of them. But some bridges are locally owned by counties and cities and many of those have not been retrofitted yet. And along the BART line, many columns have been retrofitted, but some won't of it won't be done till 2019.

Notes: Of the locally-controlled bridges in the Bay Area, we've only mapped the ones that are not completed for retrofitting. There are many more that have been retrofitted successfully.

The vast majority of bridges and columns are owned in the Bay Area are owned by the state agency Caltrans. Caltrans has completed retrofitting for all of its Bay Area columns. We've not mapped those locations here.